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EBI 11-TP110 Pressure logger for pasteurization control

Product number: 1340-6297

to measure inside the bottle

The data logger was specially developed to measure the temperature and pressure inside a bottle. With a diameter of only 16.5 mm, it can be inserted into most commercially available bottles and attached and positioned using a bottle adapter, which is available as an accessory.


  • small size
  • fit to the most bottles
  • large measuring range
  • wireless measurement
  • high accuracy

  • Food Safety
  • Pasteurization
  • sparkling wine production
  • PU value determination


NEW: Information package "Professional data loggers"

You still need a more comprehensive overview of the possibilities and requirements of the data logger, references to the service, certificates or the suitable software? Then read the comprehensive information package for the food sector or the medical/pharmaceutical sector here.
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Data memory
2 x 7.500 measurement value
PT 1000
± 0.1 °C ± 15 mbar ( 0 mbar...4000 mbar) ± 20 mbar (4000 mbar...10000 mbar)
Protection class
ø 16.5 mm x 48 mm
±0.01 °C ± 1 mbar
Factory Calibration: 0 °C, +60 °C and +134 °C 100 mbar, 3.100 mbar, 6.000 mbar at +25 °C and 3.100 mbar at 134 °C
Measured variables
Temperature, Pressure
2 x 3V
Measuring range
0 °C...+150 °C 1 mbar...10.000 mbar
Storage temperature
-20 °C...+70 °C
  • Bottle adapter set for EBI 11-T210 and EBI 11-T230
    Product number: 1340-6299
  • Battery Exchange Set for EBI 11 consisting of: 6 batteries, 3 gaskets with lubricant, screwdriver
    Product number: 1100-0120
  • Suitable for 10 battery changes; consisting of 20 batteries, 10 O-rings with grease and changing tool.
    Product number: 1100-0125
  • ISO Calibration for pressure- temperature data logger, humidity- and conductivity data logger at 3 standard temperature points and the calibration of the additional measurand of the following product series: EBI 12, EBI 11, EBI 10, EBI 100.

    Product number: 1030-2223
  • Accredited calibration according to DAkkS guidelines for pressure- temperature data logger, humidity- and conductivity data logger at three temperature points of the following product series: EBI 12, EBI 11, EBI 10, EBI 100.
    Consisting of an accredited calibration according to DIN EN ISO / IEC 17025.
    Product number: 1030-3223
  • Accredited calibration according to DAkkS guidelines for pressure- temperature data logger, humidity- and conductivity data logger at four temperature points of the following product series: EBI 12, EBI 11, EBI 10, EBI 100.
    Consisting of an accedited calibration according to DIN EN ISO / IEC 17025.
    Product number: 1030-3224
  • Accredited calibration according to DAkkS guidelines for pressure- temperature data logger, humidity- and conductivity data logger at five temperature points. 
    Calibration service for pressure- temperature data logger of the following product series: 
    EBI 12, EBI 11, EBI 10, EBI 100
    Consisting of an accedited calibration according to DIN EN ISO / IEC 17025. 
    Product number: 1030-3225
  • Accredited calibration according to DAkkS guidelines for pressure- temperature data logger, humidity- and conductivity data logger at six temperature points of the following product series: EBI 12, EBI 11, EBI 10, EBI 100.
    Consisting of an accedited calibration according to DIN EN ISO / IEC 17025.
    Product number: 1030-3226
  • (EC) 1935/2004 Materials and articles which come into contact with foodstuffs
  • 2014/30/EU The EMC Directive 2014/30/EU regulates the electromagnetic compatibility of equipment

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