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Cold Chain and Process Monitoring

Cold chain management and process monitoring: for optimisation of product quality and loss minimisation
Management and process monitoring with regard to unbroken cold chains is generally the focus for foods which need to be kept cold. However, a cold chain management system is also needed under some circumstances for chemicals and other special products such as some high-tech devices, for example. Here, such a management system covers efficient supervision and process monitoring with regard to production and logistics temperatures. Temperature monitoring within the individual steps of the production, storage and the actual transport chain at the internal and inter-company level is very important here. But it is not only temperature monitoring which is important in the context of a cold chain, but also monitoring of the properties of the respective products, the technical equipment with regard to cooling, consideration of the laws and regulations and supply chain management as a process-oriented management approach: in their complex entirety, these are the factors, consideration of which is highly relevant.

Unbroken cold chains are not possible without professional measurement technology
We present to you a broad product portfolio of diverse data loggers for cold chain and process monitoring. Our high-quality data loggers for temperature measurement as well as for measuring pressure and humidity in routine monitoring, and validation as well as process and cold chain monitoring give you access to unbroken cold chain management. Here, our range includes data loggers with radio technology for real-time monitoring, mini data loggers for confined spaces, multi-channel thermocouple data loggers, and complete data logger systems including the evaluation software. Our products are available with a wide range of configurations and sensor variants so that they fit your application perfectly.

Cold chain and process monitoring as a closed connection
Cold chains create a closed connection between production, the retail trade and consumers. The legislators therefore require that the minimum temperature within the entire cold chain for deep-frozen goods (for example food) is minus 18 degrees Celsius, whereby there may only be short-term fluctuations of a maximum of 3 degrees Celsius. Our data loggers provide meaningful support at the highest technical level so that you are always able to optimally meet all of the legal specifications with your cold chain and process monitoring in this context!

Temperature mapping as part of qualification
 A successful mapping study is not only a prerequisite for operating a GMP warehouse. It is essential for operators to gain knowledge of the temperature distribution within the warehouse or cold rooms and to assess the performance of the air conditioning. We have put together mapping kits for you that allow you to qualify your refrigerators, cold rooms and warehouses in accordance with the WHO Technical Report Series, No. 961, 2011.

If you are unsure, which device is right for your requirements, visit our advice page for data loggers

Mapping Set
SL 5021
Mapping set without software for extending the mapping data logger pool
Mapping Set
SL 5020
Mapping set without software for extending the mapping data logger pool
EBI 300 TE
Multi-Use PDF Data Logger with external temperature probe
fast, flexible core temperature measurements
EBI 300
Multi-Use PDF Data Logger
Standard version
EBI 310
Multi-Use PDF Data Logger
high precision version
EBI 20-T1 Set
Temperature Logger Set
EBI 20-T1
Temperature Data Logger
with internal temperature sensor
EBI 20-TE1
Temperature Logger Set
EBI 20-TE1
Standard Temperature Data Logger
with external probe
EBI 20-TH1-Set
Temperature-Humidity Data Logger
EBI 20-TH1
Standard Temperature / Humidity Data Logger
with internal humidity sensor
Standard Temperature Data Logger
with external probe up to +100 °C (+212 °F)
EBI 20-TF-Set
temperature data logger set
EBI 25-T
Temperature Data Logger with Radio Technology
with internal temperature sensor
Temperature Data Logger with Radio Technology
with external probe
Temperature/Humidity Data Logger
with external humidity sensor
Wireless Data Logger
for high and low temperatures
EBI 40 TC-01
Multi-Channel Temperature Data Logger
for type K, T thermocouple sensors
EBI 40 TC-02
Multi-Channel Temperature Data Logger
for type K, T thermocouple sensors
EBI 330-T30
Single-Use Temperature Data Logger
Standard version
Wireless Data Logger (without probe)
for high and low temperatures